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Printed by my first collection "The Crown-Wearing White Cockatoo", and published by Zhejiang Literature & Art Publishing House, 2021


The Short Fiction & Publication
  • 《哀矜之时》/发表于人民文学2020年第9期
    Mournful Time,published in People's Literature, 2020, (Issue 9)
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  • 《以黄昏为例》/ 发表于山西文学2020年第6期
    Take dusk as an example,  published in Shanxi Literature, 2020, (Issue 6)
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  • 《比长跑更长》/ 发表于山花2019年第2期
    Longer than a Long Distance Race,  published in Mountain Flowers, 2019, (Issue 2)
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  • 《自由与枪声》/ 发表于南方文学2018年第2期
    Freedom and Gunshot,  published in Southern, 2018, (Issue 2)
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  • 《戴王冠的白鹦鹉》/ 发表于天涯2017年第6期
    The Crown-Wearing White Cockatoo,  published in Frontiers, 2017, (Issue 6)
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  • 《左手》/ 发表于小说界2016年第5期
    Left Hand,  published in Fiction World, 2016, (Issue 5)
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  • 《自闭症》/ 发表于北京文学2015年第6期
    Autism,  published in Beijing Literature, 2015, (Issue 6)
  • 《夏周的诗》(诗3首)/ 发表于花城2014年第6期
    Zhou Xia’s Poems (three Poems),  published in FlowerCity, 2014, (Issue 6)
  • 《夏周的诗》(诗8首)/发表于西湖2014年第6期
    Zhou Xia’s Poems (Eight Poems),  published in West Lake, 2014, (Issue 6)
  • 《一首歌,一座城》/ 发表于诗刊2014年第8期
    The Song, The City,  published in Shi Kan, 2014, (Issue 8)
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  • 《素》/ 发表于萌芽2012年第11期下半月刊
    The Plain,  published in Meng Ya, 2013, (Issue 11)


Prose & Report
  • 《北纬51.5°——伦敦漫记》/ 发表于青年文学2015年第5期
    Northern Latitude 51.5 – Travel in London,  published in Youth Literator, 2015, (Issue 5)
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  • 《港大访问学生的剑桥之旅》/ 发表于英国华闻周刊2014年第5期
    The Trip of HKU Students to Cambridge,  published in Chinese Weekly, The UK, 2014, (Issue 5)
  • 《亲历了一场“国际新闻”》/ 发表于新民周刊2014年第29期
    A experience of International news,  published in Xinming Weekly, 2014, (Issue 29)