
Elijah Xia
Parsons School of Design

MFA in Design and Technology

New York, US
Aug.2019 - May.2021

University of Queensland

Bachelor of Multimedia Design

Brisbane, Australia
July.2016 - July.2019

Elijah Xia is an UI/UX and interactive designer. He graduated from bachelor of multimedia design at University of Queensland in Australia, as well as master of design and technology at Parson School of Design in NYC.


Through his study and design process, he believes that empathy is the cornerstone and always reminds himself to attach the importance to the concept of empathic design in his project.


Additionally, he is a fictionist and freelance writer and have published his book and many articles in Chinese journal. Therefore, he is always looking for a balance point, which is the balance among art, design and literature.

此外,夏周是一名新锐小说家、诗人。曾出版短篇小说集《戴王冠的白鹦鹉》。作品发表于《人民文学》《天涯》《山花》《小说界》等,并入选多种小说年选。另有诗歌以及散文发表于《诗刊》《花城》《西湖》等。因此, 他也一直在寻找艺术、设计和文学之间的平衡点。